Another protest is planned at the Oxford Exchange over the destruction of an ancient stone Indian mound for "fill dirt".
WHEN: August 30
TIME: 2 PM- 5 PM
WHERE: Oxford Exchange (Exit 188)
Mark Davis and local Native Americans have scheduled a Reconsecration Ceremony and protest on August 30th to protest the destruction of multiple Native American sites near the Oxford Exchange area, including the stone mound behind the Oxford Exchange as well as the Davis farm site.
Mr. Davis is holding this under the Native American Indian Freedom of Religion Act. He has asked for support from all those who are able to come. He is aiming for 300 people to show up but it would be even better if over 1000 showed up. If you are concerned with the preservation of our cultural resources and sacred sites, please show up to lend your support to our Native American community. Mr. Davis has asked that this be a peaceful protest and that those who show up refrain from any sort of rude behavior.
Please show up to lend your support!
For information regarding the threatened sites please see the following links:
AP article on destruction of the Native American stone mound:
JSU article on the archeological signifigance of the Davis Farm property which is now being threatened:
Facebook group with related information:
Thanks for all your support, even if you can't make it to the protest please help spread the word.
The main Facebook group for this event makes today's front page of the Anniston Star, the major newspaper for Oxford, Alabama, where the threatened sites are located.
Apparently, the city council members don't take us seriously! Let's prove them wrong. If you can't show up for the protest, please write a letter to the Anniston Star Newspaper and let them know you will be there in spirit and are watching what is going on in this town.
You can fill out this online"letters to the editor" speakout form for the Anniston Star at:
To contact the Oxford City Council the email form is:
Thank you for all your support!
Geography - States
Description: A 1,500 year old Native American stone mound is being continually bulldozed near Oxford, Alabama, and the earth used as fill dirt for a Sam's Club, the BIG BOX discount franchise owned by Walmart. A wider area of 320 acres even richer in artifacts, Creek Indian villages and remains is slotted to go next. This land is rich in ancestral graves and artifacts, and it would be a huge loss of collective cultural and spiritual patrimony. It is believed that De Soto had contact with the natives here and that there are Spanish remains here as well. It was a thriving village in the 17th century and one of the richest sites of it's kind.*
The Mayor Leon Smith, and the Town Council of Oxford are responsible for this. They paid 60,000 for a fake archeological report to be carried out by the University of Alabma in order to go forward with their shallow, greedy and ignorant plans to destroy this site, level the mounds, build a mamoth Sports Complex, Hotel as well as leasing property to Wal-Mart while using the desecrating sacred soil for fill-dirt for the parking lot.
If this sickens you and violates your sense of justice as it does ours, Join hands with us around the mound, via facebook or in person and send a loud and clear message to the people responsible for this that:
Members will receive instructions on how to become Social Activist via Facebook, Fax, snail mail and also by joining us in person. Links and pictures below with additional information.
*Renowned Archeologist Dr. Harry Holstein has spent a lifetime surveying and documenting this area. Links below to some of his published reports.
Website: http://www.reznetnews.org/article/goodby
******In the past, only a handful of people have shown up to protest. You can help by attending. If you can't attend you can help by sending emails and helping spread the word.
I have written about this several times on my blog. In published reports, Mayor Leon (MEAT HEAD)Smith first said the mound was only used to send "smoke signals". A couple of weeks ago, he recanted that statement to say that it was NOT a man made mound but something created by nature.....!!! OH MY GOODNESS!
We must be the voice for this majestic mound and the people that built it.
Please help in any way you can.