Monday, March 29, 2010


The mouth of the south has a name and it is Leon Smith. If we were children on a playground, taunts of, “Liar,liar, pants on fire” would be aimed directly at him.

In question and still in the news is an ancient Native American Indian mound. Evidence abounds that this area was once a rich, proud and thriving Indian village.

Despite what Leon (Tweedle Dee) told the Anniston Star last year that the mound would be left alone and not used for commercial development. He contradicted himself in an article that appeared on the New York Times web site on March 12,2010. Reckon he thinks us hillbillies in Bammy don’t read and would be too dumb to notice a Sizzler where an ancient Indian mound once stood.

He stated his plans to demolish the stone pile and to erect a hotel, restaurant or maybe a health clinic.

“It’s going to be real pretty”, he was quoted as saying.

This all began when the city of Oxford and the merry band of morons who run it, decided to use the dirt under the mound as fill dirt for a Sam’s Club that was to be built at the nearby Oxford Exchange.

The city commissioned a study of the mound in question that was conducted by Robert Clouse, an archaeologist at the University of Alabama.

In the first report he concluded the mound was man made. The second report by Clouse after the you know what began hitting the old fan states in his opinion it was the result of “natural forces” and isn’t culturally significant. An opinion that experts around Alabama and the Alabama Historical Commission disagree with.

Earlier this year, Harry Holstein a professor of archaeology at Jacksonville State University reported that an earthen mound located across the street from the mound was gone. A face that Smith passed off by saying it was not gone and was still there if you knew where to look. Okay, take me there and SHOW ME.

In the days following these reports, another little tid bit came to light. On January 8,2010 ancient human remains were discovered at the multi million dollar sports complex site. It was NOT reported to the proper authorities.

Meanwhile, as of now, construction has been halted by the Corps of Engineers. They stopped the project in late February because it was not notified about the discovery.

Now, with every day that passes as construction equipment remains idle, the city is losing $12,000 dollars a day. (Boo frickin hoo)

The Anniston Star reported that to date the city has spent more than 5.9 million dollars on the project and purchase of land.

According also to a report in the Anniston Star, Holstein said:

“We told them there were 24 archaeological sites on that parcel of land, including a temple mound and village areas. The Historical Commission signed off on it.”

This is an issue that should concern not just residents of Oxford or Alabama, or just Native Americans. This should concern and anger decent people everywhere. The total and complete lack of respect shown to the remains of a human being, a proud people and culture are being spit on by Leon Smith and his merry band of thugs.

I even had a exchange in a chat room with someone in Oxford on the issue who stated she was tired of hearing about it, wanted it all to go away and they should, “…tear down the whole thing and build whatever they want….”

Her reasoning was, “This land doesn’t belong to them Indians. It is ours and we can do with it what we please and if they don’t like it, then go home.”

That mad me so mad! Guess what lady (?)…THEY ARE HOME.

Just as this issue was coming to light last year, PBS had a wonderful 5 part series I think it was on the American Indians and the first Europeans to arrive here. It was chilling and eye opening.

The history books I studied while in school made it all seem so nice and polite. The Indians lived here, we arrived, they helped us, we helped them, we traded, we bought their land, they moved. Oh sure there were a few fights and wars, but……

The history books didn’t talk about the treaties that were broken or the way they were treated in their own county.

Leon Smith has been the mayor of Oxford for over 20 years. No doubt in that time he has done much for the city, moved it forward and put it on the map as the place to be, live and go in Calhoun County. They call him, “King Leon”. Seems like now he is starting to believe it.

There are several videos on Youtube dedicated to this topic.


PO BOX 3382


Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Last year life mentally,emotionally and physically,kicked my ass. Six deaths in the family, 3 happening all within the same month,medical problems,family problems,relationship problems...seemed like I was living under a black cloud. Reminded me of a lyric in an old Eagles tune:

"Every morning, I wake up and wonder, what's gonna happen today"

Life was slipping away from me and I finally reached the point where I didn't care. Let it slip right away, I thought to myself.

Now, with my medical issues seemingly somewhat under control, not living in almost constant pain, I am beginning to see some of the things that I let slip away from me.

Among them, my house.

I know it may sound crazy, but cleaning was something I had always enjoyed. I took great pride in my surroundings. It gave me a great sense of accomplishment at the end of the day to look around and see the neat, tidy and sparkling clean fruits of my labor.

Growing up, cleaning the house didn't just fall to my Mother, it was a family event. Especially on Saturday's. I can still hear music from the stereo playing through the entire house with the scent of Pine Sol and Pledge filling the air. Those are pleasant memories.

Over the years I had refined my house cleaning routine down to a perfect system. Chores were broken down into daily, weekly and monthly tasks. Even while I was raising children and living in a marriage made in hell, the house at least was something I could control. Predictable things are easy to control. You know the furniture will need to be polished, so you polish it.

With a rare Monday with the house all to myself, I focused on some of the small things I had ignored over the years. Things that other people wouldn't and don't notice. I mean, how many people step up on a chair to look on top of your fridge to see if it is clean or not? Not many, but just knowing they could, gives me some warped kind of joy.

After 2 weeks of being in a deep cycle of insomnia, I was able to crawl into bed last night and sleep for over 7 hours without waking up once.

Maybe it was the scent of Pine Sol that still lingered in the kitchen and master bath that came and reminded me of sweeter days when I felt safe and loved.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Gov.Bob Riley is on my last nerve and I'm counting down the days until he is out of office.

Riley has vowed to protect and defend the "standard of living" in Alabama by waging war on gambling in the state of Alabama. The gambling in question is bingo played via slot machines.

Each year Alabama watches millions upon millions of dollars say bye-bye to us and travel to other states to gamble and play the lottery.

Meanwhile on the home front, he has a problem with "gambling" as it is now. His problem is that electronic bingo in the places popping up around Montgomery, Birmingham and south Alabama don't require enough inter-action. It seems the difference between gambling and not gambling is the number of buttons you have to push.

He is and has spent millions of tax payer dollars riding on his white horse to save us all while cutting education and laying off much needed teachers.

My question to Dudley....err....Bob Riley is this....Why stop at gambling...? Why not save us from the evils of tobacco and alcohol...? After all they have killed and harmed more people in the state than gambling ever what not take aim at them....?

You can't pick and choose which "sins" to be against based on the almighty dollar....can you...?

Maybe Bob isn' so squeaky clean after all.

Your time is almost up Bingo Bob. Time for you to go back to Ashland and stay there!